Silky Bridal Bouquet
Color: This bouquet comes in three colors, ivory/dream purple/baby blue
Material: The bouquet holder is secured with a satin ribbon, rhinestones sparkle to bring extra brilliance to satin artificial flowers
Occasions: Great for weddings, Valentine's Day, parties, ceremonies or anniversaries, or for additional decoration
Description: This bouquet is made of highly durable high-fidelity materials, that ensure long lasting life, which symbolizes the constancy of love. Perfect as a keepsake.
Color: This bouquet comes in three colors, ivory/dream purple/baby blue
Material: The bouquet holder is secured with a satin ribbon, rhinestones sparkle to bring extra brilliance to satin artificial flowers
Occasions: Great for weddings, Valentine's Day, parties, ceremonies or anniversaries, or for additional decoration
Description: This bouquet is made of highly durable high-fidelity materials, that ensure long lasting life, which symbolizes the constancy of love. Perfect as a keepsake.
Color: This bouquet comes in three colors, ivory/dream purple/baby blue
Material: The bouquet holder is secured with a satin ribbon, rhinestones sparkle to bring extra brilliance to satin artificial flowers
Occasions: Great for weddings, Valentine's Day, parties, ceremonies or anniversaries, or for additional decoration
Description: This bouquet is made of highly durable high-fidelity materials, that ensure long lasting life, which symbolizes the constancy of love. Perfect as a keepsake.